I've been really bad about posting pictures. I don't know why I get so overwhelmed by it, but I promise, promise to be better. Such a bad gap! It's been a great summer with lots of fun activities.
Here are a few from the last couple of weeks we've spent at the beach...
Was our second Hello Kitty party at JW Tumbles in a year..Zoe's party looked a LOT like Maya's party back in September. But, Zoe loves Tumbles and loves her sister's friends and had a great time. She wasn't quite sure that the party was for her and didn't want any special treatment (when she was supposed to stand and everyone else sit, she kept on sitting). In any case, she had a great time and everyone else did too!
Maya had her first game today of Super Slam Ball-otherwise known as super simple t-ball. She was very trepidatious at first-she kept telling us how she needed a different mitt (Dora was way too baby) and that she didn't know how to play the game, asking us where the balls were and generally gluing herself to the side of our legs. When the game started she had an awesome hit..then proceeded to stand where she was and watch everyone run around and then she tried to run to second base. Luckily, it was the first time for most kids and there were no outs or strikes, etc. By the end of the game she was really enjoying herself and we got to see a competitive side we haven't seen before...
Zoe turned two today! She had a great day of presents, bagel, music class, lunch with friends, not napping, playing at home and dinner and cake at Pietanza.
For the fourth year in a row we braved the crowds (and for the second year, the heat) and headed to the Annual Easter Egg Roll. We basically do it for the photo opp and the wooden egg. Luckily this year we were able to wait in the shade to enter (about 45 minutes). Maya and Zoe were very patient (with the help of my iPhone!).