Recently Maya has fallen back in love with footie pajamas. It makes sense since she was always complaining her sleeves and pants weren't long enough on her 2 piece pajamas. Even better is that she likes to have matching jammies with Zoe and insists on a photo shoot each night in their matching jammies.
Last weekend, Peter, Maya and I went to Atlantis while Zoe stayed home with Baba, Dziadek and Wai-Po. We had good weather for the first day and a half so we spent lots of the time at and in the pool. Maya loved the huge gradual entry pool by our tower and the lazy river, which wasn't that lazy...
On Sunday, when the weather was a little cooler, Maya and I went "swimming" with the dolphins, while Peter watched...
There was also a lot of time spent watching the fish and the "stinkrays" at the aquarium: