Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy New Year!

Sorry it's been so long since my last post-that was way too long of a stretch!

In that time we've managed to spend quality time at home, have a fun New Year's with friends and go to Arizona and Mexico and come back! We went to Arizona so Peter could help out with the Obama campaign and then managed a quick visit to Mexico to see Papou and Wow.

Maya's been a lot of fun (for the most part)! She's in love with dogs. She is saying new words every day and really understanding when you speak to her.

Maya had her 15 month checkup back on 12/28. She weighs a little over 23 lbs, is 31 3/4 inches tall and is in 65th and 75th percentile respectively. The doctor was very impressed with all the words she can say and even said that she is advanced ;) And she counts "Woof" as a word, which Maya will say if you ask her what a dog says..Actually it sounds more like "oooh oooh", but it's close enough for government work!

We had a great time on our trip and got to enjoy some warmth and sunshine-it's a bit of a shock to be back in chilly climes! Here are some pictures from our trip (you can see the whole set on Flickr).:

Playing in a park in Arizona:

Playing basketball at the house in Arizona:

With Dad in Mexico:


Listening to the sounds of the ocean:

Wearing her little Mexican dress:

Baba enjoying the sun and surf:

With Papou:

In front of the famous Casa Blanca del Mar (aka Papou & Wow's house):

With Baba:

Just before leaving:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought government work was very good...