Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!!

Our little jalapeno greeted some trick or treaters today...well, she hung out and we greeted them. We went through 8 bags of candy!!

We've been trying to fatten up Maya since she came home from the hospital so she could fit into her costume.

Maya's friend Mikayla and her mom Carrie came over too..someday we'll use the picture to embarass them :)

Monday, October 30, 2006


Sorry it's been a while without an update :(

This was the first almost complete week I have been on my own--no parents or anything to help out. And you would think I have a lot more time on my hands...but that's not really how it works, apparently.

On Wednesday, Maya and I ventured out for our first trip alone together. We did a little shopping in Highland Park.

Unfortunately, Thursday and Friday were rainy and gross..so we didn't take any excursions. On Thursday evening, Maya and I went to our monthly WOFA meeting (that's the Women of Forestview Association). It was nice to have some adult conversation!

We're on the election countdown..only 8 more days to go..

More pictures to come very soon-I swear!

Monday, October 23, 2006

So cute!!!

I couldn't pass up taking a picture of this little scene..how adorable are my son and daughter?:

Another exciting day in Maya's life..eating, naps, tummy time. Don't you wish that you could just hang out all day and cater to your every whim?

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Official Weigh-In...

So Maya had her 1 month check up today..and the much anticipated weigh in. At the last doctor's appointment 3 weeks ago, she weighed an even 6 pounds. Today? 8 pounds!! That's 32 oz in 21 days! I guess this baby really is a Rapaczynski/Karafotas--we love to eat and gain weight ;)

Maya also grew an inch, and is now 21 inches. She is in the 25th percentile for weight (she barely registered when she was born) and is in the 50th percentile for height. All in all, she is in great shape!

After our appointment, Dziadek, Peter and I went to the botanical gardens..it was really pretty. We topped the day off with a meal at P.F. Changs.

No new pictures to report unfortunately...but some will come soon...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

My Little Democrat...

It says Dan Seals for Congress.. ;)


Not a Month Yet..

But Maya is four weeks old today! Her 1 month birthday is on Friday..

I can't believe it has been four weeks already! It seems like just yesterday that we were bringing her home and worrying how we would ever get through the night..much less four whole weeks!

Maya has lots of alert time and is able to follow objects with her eyes. She had some tummy time today and was able to switch the direction her head was facing.

Tomorrow Dziadek comes for the weekend. Also, mom's friend Ama from DC is going to stop by!

We can't wait for Saturday--it's her 1 month pediatrician appointment and we are so excited to see how much she weighs!!

Today after dinner we celebrated Maya's 4 week birthday with a cake that WoW bought for Maya..she loved blowing out the candles ;)

A glamour shot or two:

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Lazy Sundays...

Look what we found in the pumpkin patch!:

We decided to take her home:

We had a nice little day today..we went out to lunch and took a nice walk in Wilmette. After coming home and Peter making some chocolate chip cookies, we went out to a nice dinner in Evanston at Campagnola for WoW's birthday. Maya was the perfect dinner guest--seen, but not heard..
Last night Peter and I went out for our first dinner alone..we went to have sushi. Papou and WoW babysat and even got to change a nice smelly diaper! It was awesome to have some raw tuna after 10 months. I even had a few sips of beer..but I didn't want to over do it on indulgences..
Papou has a way with kiddos..this is his 6th grandchild:

Friday, October 13, 2006

It Snowed Today!!

Can you believe it? October 12th..and it was snowing off and on all day today! No accumulation, but the weather was so frigid Maya and I couldn't go for a walk :( We took a picture out in the snow, but I look so giant, that I can't post it..

Maya decided to get dressed up today-Babcia sent her a very cute outfit that actually fits her! She entertained her father's Uncle John and her Aunt Joanna and her cousins Alyse and Andrew..it was quite the day. She actually slept like an angel in her swing for quite some time, even with noise and lots of exciting stuff going on.

Here is Maya in her new outfit..note for those having babies--buy "newborn" size clothing! That 0-3 months stuff is huge!

Here is a picture of Maya in her bath--for her privacy, we have edited the picture. We don't want these ending up in Playboy when she runs for president...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Maya's 3 Week Birthday!

Happy 3 week birthday! She is getting so old--next thing you know we'll be visiting colleges ;)

We are learning new stuff about Maya all the time--she gets cranky when she's tired and she doesn't like to sleep in the morning.

This past weekend we spent both days out and about-we had our first meal out in a restaurant with her--she slept the whole time. She also made her first trip into the city--she slept through that too. She loves her carseat!

Papou and Claudia are here--they have already been a great help--I got to nap a little this morning and even ran some errands solo this afternoon.

Peter's crazy with work right now..but only twenty-something days until the election and I hopefully get my husband back!

Here are Maya's 3 week photos:

Saturday, October 07, 2006

My due date!

Well, Maya is due today! Oops..she is already here ;) It seems like she has been here forever..not in a bad way of course. Life has just settled in like normal.

The first two days without Babcia were fine. Actually, Thursday was easy-peasy. We slept in in the morning, she hung out in the sling while I ate lunch and did some stuff and then after she ate we went for a nice walk up to Central Street where I had some Starbucks and sent off some mail.

Yesterday was a little tougher because Maya was battling some gas :( But luckily Aunt Joanna came over with lunch and then brought the miracle cure--some stuff called Mylicon. It seems to be doing the trick..or else she is just over it..either way we'll take it.

Today Peter and I have our first day together alone. We're thinking about a little trip to Northbrook Court..

Here are some pics of Maya getting to know her brother and sister:

And one (from a couple of days ago) of her thinking very hard:

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Happy 2 week birthday Maya!

Maya was born two weeks ago today! I have to say that my life before two weeks ago seems like it was a lifetime ago..Not in a bad way, but life has just changed so much! It seems so strange that this little person was inside my belly..

This little person is actually a perfect little baby! She rarely ever cries (knock on wood)..unless she is hungry, needs to be changed or has a little bit of gas (well, she is her father's daughter after all!). We have to wait until our next peds appointment on the 21st to find out her weight, but I suspect she is gaining well--she eats a ton. Her sleep schedule is pretty consistent-she gets up once usually between 11:30 and 7 or 8..

Babcia Wanda left today..that was a sad event. She was so good to us--doing all our laundry, making all our meals, and generally being so helpful. We were definitely sad to see her go. Papou & Claudia (WoW) are coming on Tuesday, so we'll have another 2 weeks of help then..but until then we are on our own! Tomorrow is our first day just mom and daughter--hopefully we'll survive.

I took some pictures of Maya today for my mom to take home with her.. Here are a few: