Monday, September 28, 2009

Zoe is 5 months today!

And all I have for you is some blurry pictures from this evening.

In this last week, Zoe learned to roll from belly to back (not good for sleeping!), got two teeth and started sitting for short periods of time!! She's decided that she's had enough of this infant stuff I guess!

She continues to be very cute and smiley and generally pretty laid back. She loves laughing at her sister.

Apple Picking and Pie...

Necklace came to visit this weekend and we went apple picking on Saturday and made pie with said apples on Sunday...Warning! A lot of pictures ;)

Baba and Baba-Baba...

Baba brought Baba-Baba to visit last week for Maya's birthday and to meet Zoe. She and Zoe got along very well..and Maya too..

Here are some pics of Baba-Baba with her girls:

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Maya!!

We celebrated Maya's 3rd birthday today with lots of family and friends. We had a party, time at the park and a great dinner. Pictures to come...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Zoe has friends too...

We went to Lilly's birthday party on Saturday morning and Zoe got to hang out with some of her little friends:

With Katie's little sister, Caroline:

With Connor's little sister Kieran:

With her big sister and daddy:

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A whole lot of cute

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, September 07, 2009


Maya loves to wear matching clothes with Zoe-it's really cute. She also seems to think that every item of clothing that Zoe has can be purchased in a bigger size. She really liked Zoe's PJ's this morning and kept asking for a matching pair.

Here they are before we left the house this morning--matching dresses from Polo and jackets courtesy of Manu and Sophia!

(Excuse the picture quality--it's from the phone):

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Two firsts..

Zoe went to her first MLB game today to see the Nationals v. the Marlins and got to see an exciting end to the game, with a Nationals victory:

And then had her first taste of solid food:

Post From My iPhone

Zoe had fun at the beach too...

Though she spent most of her time at home, but she enjoyed hanging with Daddy when he got back:

When we got back...

From the beach, Maya got to spend some mornings with Abby and Grace, since she doesn't start school until next week. We went to Clemyjontri one morning where the girls had a blast:

Maya and Abby even celebrated Abby's potty training successes with matching lollipops!


Future Tennis Star...

Some of her favorite people...

Maya loves being at the beach because she can see all her favorite people, such as Dziadek/Jacket, Waipo and Necklace....